Feats At Five FAQ
Little Feat’s Feats At Five Podcast Little Feat podcast hosted by Gary Bennett
You can listen to the podcast many different ways:
1. To subscribe with iTunes, click here.
2. If you use different podcast software, use this URL: www.featsatfive.libsyn.com/rss
3. Or you can visit this site: feedburner.com.
4. Listen on your computer by clicking here.
What if I just want to listen to
it right now?
You can listen to any Feats At
Five podcast right now and not deal with other software.
Go to the Feats At Five Podcast site here:
www.featsatfive.libsyn.com and
choose the show you would
like to hear.
That will download or open the show mp3 files, depending on your computer's
configuration. The actual
download may take a while to complete. Just hit the play button and the podcast
will come through your
computer speakers automatically. The difference between listening via the web
site and getting the show
thru iTunes is that you’ll have to check back to this site frequently to see
what is new vs getting the new
podcasts automatically with iTunes. Either way, you’ll still be able to listen
to the Feats At Five radio show
whenever you’d like.
What's a podcast?
Think of it as Little Feat radio
on your computer, iPod or mp3 player. Once the show file is downloaded you
can listen to the show when it’s most convenient for you., that’s right, it’s
called “time shifting”.
Another great benefit of the web site is that you don't have to have an iPod or
an mp3 player. You can
listen to the show directly from your PC without any special software.
How does iTunes or Ipodder work?
You use software like iTunes
(Windows or Mac) or Ipodder (Windows, Mac, Linux) to subscribe to the
FeatsAtFive podcast (our podcast address is
www.featsatfive.libsyn.com/). If you have
iTunes, you can
click here
and you'll be taken to the page where you can subscribe. Once you've subscribed,
the software
automatically knows when we post a new podcast (in our case, it’s once a week),
and it delivers it to your
computer, where you can move it to an Ipod or other mp3 player or just listen to
it right then.
Can you help me set this up?
Further explaining podcasting,
troubleshooting and/or helping you download and configure software is
beyond the scope of feats @ five. Here are some links that might help:
iTunes's podcasts info pagee
Ipodder podcast reception
Introduction to podcasting
High-quality podcasts